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À PART CHINA N°1 ( 2 )

Exclusive (3 different covers):  À Part China is our newly born… and every birth should be celebrated !

We are therefore delighted to welcome the little sister / little brother of À Part Publications to our family.
The family, such a unique and special notion.

There is our blood family and then there is the one we choose, the HEART family.

The one whose members are connected by a strong bond, beyond blood, in whom we recognize ourselves, with whom we share values, life values, human values, deep values.
lt’s the one we disagree with sometimes too, but it’s mostly the one that keeps us going, going further, surpassing ourselves and even embarking on crazy adventures.

Today we are ready for this new adventure, so let’s wish a happy and hap­py journey with this extended family!

Long life to À PART CHINA – Love


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